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Galerie vidéos


Adagio (Albinoni)

Adagio (Albinoni)

Ave Maria (Caccini)

Ave Maria (Caccini)

Melody (Skoryk)

Melody (Skoryk)

Song from a Secret Garden (Lovland)

Song from a Secret Garden (Lovland)

Dance Above the Rainbow (Hardiman)

Dance Above the Rainbow (Hardiman)

Paris. La Motte-Picquet - Grenelle

Paris. La Motte-Picquet - Grenelle

Hong Kong. Central-Mid-Levels

Hong Kong. Central-Mid-Levels

Nice. Promenade des Anglais

Nice. Promenade des Anglais

Paris. Bastille

Paris. Bastille

Hong Kong. Love of My Life

Hong Kong. Love of My Life

Hong Kong. Synagogue

Hong Kong. Synagogue

Hong Kong. With Beyond Dance Theater dancers

Hong Kong. With Beyond Dance Theater dancers